I will stand here for one minute while abuse and garbage is heaped upon me. *Stands with head bowed in shame.*
Now that that is over, I'm pleased to report that The White Armory virtual seamstress extraordinaire, Queen, and all around great person, Bee Dumpling, has released 2 more Game of Thrones inspired outfits for Men.They are partial mesh, and based on the same designs as her earlier "Wardens of the West - House Lannister" designs.
These new outfits represent 2 of the other houses, Stark and Baratheon, and feature their crests on the clasp of their cloaks. Naturally, Colton has released matching swords, with the same crests emblazoned on the pommels.
The detail and texture work are up to the usual high quality standards of the White Armory, the cloaks lookig distinctly like dyed wood, while the remainder of the clothing is rendered in softer fabrics. The lacework at the throat is understated, and subtle, but very fine.
The Winter is Coming, House Stark outfit is done in blue-grey colors, muted in tone, but rich nevertheless.
The Lord of Dragonstone Keep, House Baratheon outfit is Earth-tones of green and brown, which give it a nice 'outdoorsy' quality.
The swords are very nice back-drawn 2-Handed weapons, with the Crest and motto of the House on the pommel. The swords are based on the design on the earlier House Lannister 2-Handed Sword, and the colors of the hilt and the scabbard compliment the outfits nicely, with Stark's appearing as a purplish leather, and Baratheon's being more yellow in color. These use the latest Angels and Demons combat engines in them, v5.21 with a 2.21 HUD.
For those of you who bought the 2013 Commemorative Sword, which was also based on House Stark from Game of Thrones, this is a completely different design.
The only minor quibble I have with it is that since the swords are worn on the back, they tend to get lost under the cloak of the outfits, with only the hilt protruding. I wonder if perhaps a Side Drawn blade might not have worked better with the outfit. However, as I said, this is a minor issue, and you can easily adjust the position of the sheath so that it rests outside the cloak... and of course, if you wear the outfit without the cloak, it doesn't become an issue.
The outfits are a mere 500L$, while the swords are 849L$. Both can be purchased at the White Armory.
SLURL is secondlife://EMERALD/164/127/25
By the way, these pictures were taken in and around the White Rangers Battlefield, on Emerald. It can be reached through the teleporters in The White Armory, along with the Tavern, The Arena, The Tiltyard, and the Ballroom! For more information on the White Rangers, IM or send a notecard to me inworld: NullandVoid Resident. Or, visit the White Rangers display in the White Armory Main Store, and pick up some information there. We're as good group of people who compete across SL in Jousting, Sword and Archery, and most of all, have a lot of fun doing it...